Mindset Shifts For Growth In 2020

Mindset Shifts For Growth In 2020

Welcome to another blog post and to the end of January (which somehow both took forever to get here and has still arrived pretty quickly). This month I’ve been largely focused on preventing burnout, remaining calm and consistent in my temperament, and all at once, pushing myself to accomplish more creative and professional goals.

I’ve recently started taking up clients for 1-on-1 life coaching and writing coaching and I’m thoroughly enjoying doing the work that both fuels and nourishes me and fuels and nourishes others. By focusing on trusting myself, I’ve been able to really just lean into the person I want to become and the person I know I can become. My creative and internal work reflect this through this corresponding blog post to the third episode of the “With Art and Love” podcast on Mindset Shifts for Growth in 2020.

I am so proud of myself lately in these moments of reflection and in the mindset shifts that I’ve made to show up for myself more and be able to do the work that I love fully, authentically, and with passion. Here are the 5 mindset shifts which will also be soon in video form on my Youtube channel which you can subscribe to now. First video TBA but coming to you for sure in the next month!

  1. Someone will give it to me if I wait > I will have it if I am specific about what I want and if I put in the work to go out and get it.

    Free yourself from the mental bondage that makes you feel that you have to wait for something in order to receive it. Yes, there are things and lessons and life that can only come with time, but if you have a goal and if you have something you want to do, you are fully capable of putting in the work to receive that thing. There are countless and new ways to live life that do not conform to a social archetype. You can be what you want if you put the work in.

  2. I have to constantly complain about this because it’s hard/wrong and someone should know. > I have to direct my energy to where it is appreciated.

    Everything doesn’t deserve your energy or your time. I am not in any way excluding this to your positive energy and time. Everything doesn’t deserve your negativity either. Consider what kind of energy you want to bring to your life and share it with others. Actively choose to direct that energy to where it is appreciated and best served instead of to the places where it is only fueled by draining you further and not accomplishing anything at all.

  3. I can’t do anything! > I will do what I can.

    It’s normal to feel stuck and it’s equally 100% okay. However, don’t trap yourself in a mindset that will make you lose sight of your true power. You have options to shift, even if in small ways, towards the goals you set forth. Consider what you can do and how you can do it as opposed to resting in the belief that you can’t do anything at all.

  4. I’m broke > I’m wealthy.

    This is a difficult one because we all interact with socioeconomic factors that cause our lives to be the way they are. More often than not, these factors aren’t even remotely in our control. Yet, there are components of our financial lives and selves that are deeply in our control and are ultimately our responsibility, even if not our fault. Use whatever resources you can to make room for financial literacy, and therefore more life, into your own life. The hardest part of this for me was to leave behind the poverty mindset and to enter a mindset of wealth. Only by doing so have I been able to create opportunities and take advantage of them to make the financial progress I want to.


    There is an infinite amount of opportunity in allowing the power of “I AM” to occupy space in your life. Once you’ve done the work of identifying what and who it is you want to be, try speaking it into existence by stating that it is already what/who you are. For example, thoughts of “I am abundant” and “I am grateful.” can bring more abundance and gratitude into your life simply by requiring the mind to reconsider ways that abundance and gratitude are already present through the statements and thoughts. Making this a daily practice moves into re-framing your mental state and urges towards that necessary and beneficial shift. Eliminate “I’m not/I can’t” and welcome in “I am/I will” and watch your life change.

I hope one of these mindset shifts resonates with you as you continue to move forward in 2020 and into the growth of the new year. If you like my content, be sure to subscribe to the website and follow me on Instagram @ashleymaesimmons!

Sending love always and thank you for reading!

- Ashley Mae

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